Travel Insurance Countries

Travel Insurance Countries

In the unlikely event that your holiday plans go wrong, it can be a cumbersome burden to bear the costs of unforeseen medical expenses, trip cancelation, and other expenses. For such scenarios, you will be extremely thankful you decided to opt for a comprehensive travel insurance plan that cover you and your family for any untoward incidents that threaten to ruin your trip.

Royal Sundaram various travel insurance plans which offer various types of cover for inconveniences including baggage delay, loss of baggage, flight delays, medical expenses, loss of travel documents, etc. Furthermore, we offer travel insurance plans for travel to a number of different countries. Check the list below for more details as well as a list of the countries included

Travel Insurance for Different Countries

Travel Insurance for Different Countries

Albania Gabon New Zealand
Andorra Gaudeloupe Nicaragua
Angola Georgia Niger
Antigua and Barbuda Germany Nigeria
Argentina Ghana Niue
Armenia Gibraltar Norfolk Island
Aruba Greece Norway
Australia Greenland Oman
Azerbaijan Guatemala Palau
Bahamas Guinea Panama
Bahrain Guinea-Bissau Papua New Guinea
Bangladesh Guyana Paraguay
Barbados Haiti Peru
Belarus Honduras Philippines
Belgium Hong Kong Pitcairn
Belize Hungary Poland
Benin Iceland Portugal
Bermuda Indonesia Puerto Rico
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ireland Romania
Botswana Israel Russia
Brazil Italy Russian Federation
Bulgaria Japan Saint Helena
Burkina Faso Jordan Samoa
Burundi Kenya Sao Tome and Principie
Cambodia Kiribati Saudi Arabia
Cameroon Korea New Calendonia
Canada Kuwait Senegal
Cape Varde Kyrgyzstan Seychelles
Central African Republic Latvia Singapore
Chad Lebanon Slovakia
Chile Lesotho Vietnam
Cocos Islands Lithuania South Korea
Colombia Luxembourg South-Africa
Comoros Macau Spain
Cook Islands Madagascar St. Kitts and Nevis
Costa Rica Malawi St. Lucia
Cote d'Ivoire Malaysia St. Vincent and Grenadines
Croatia Maldives Suriname
Cyprus Mali Svalbard and Jay Mayen
Czech Republic Malta Swaziland
Denmark Mangolia Sweden
Djibouti Marshall Islands Switzerland
Dominican Republic Mauritania Taiwan
Ecuador Mayotte Tanzania
Egypt Mexico Thailand
El Salvador Micronesia Tibet
Equitorial Guinea Moldova Togo
Estonia Monsterrat Trinidad and Tobago
Ethopia Morocco Tunisia
Falkland Islands Mozambique Turkey
Faroe Islands Namibia Turkmenistan
Fiji Islands Nauru United Arab Amirates
Finland Nepal United Kingdom
France Netherlands United States
French Guiana Netherlands Antilles Uzbekistan
French Polynesia Slovenia